Making the Conversion to a Saltwater Pool

Saltwater Pool

Traditional chlorine pools are going out of style. While that may seem a little crazy, consider the growing popularity of the saltwater pool. It provides several benefits that are enticing to prospective swimmers, and the minimal maintenance required is a nice perk, too!

But what if you want to convert an existing pool into saltwater? We’ve got you covered here, but before we get into the conversion process, let’s get familiar with this type of pool!

Benefits of a Saltwater Pool

So why would you want a saltwater pool, anyway? Well, they provide some pretty great benefits that blow traditional pools out of the water. For one, they’re gentle on your skin and eyes. It’s common for both to get irritated after a prolonged period in a chlorine pool. Additionally, saltwater is known to trigger relaxation, so you may just get that soothing sensation when you wade in. But there’s also something else to consider…

What if pool maintenance was so easy that it was just a footnote? That’s just the case with a saltwater pool, as you really just have to check it here and there to make sure everything is in order.

If you want a deeper dive into all the benefits, you can check them out here

Understanding Saltwater Systems

Saltwater pools use saltwater chlorinators (or salt cells) to produce chlorine that dissolves into the water. This process sanitizes the water and makes it safe for swimming.

You’re probably a little confused. Aren’t we discussing saltwater pools as an alternative to chlorine? Not exactly. While these pools still include chlorine, it comes down to how it’s made. In a saltwater pool, the salt cell makes chlorine from salt, which is gentler on the eyes and skin in comparison to a traditional chlorine pool.

Assessing Your Current Pool Setup

Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to take a look at your pool so you know what you’re dealing with. Take stock of pool materials, filtration, and the physical condition of the area.

  • Pool Material: Is your pool’s surface and lining capable of handling saltwater? Most materials (plaster, tile, and vinyl) will do just fine, but it’ll save you a huge headache down the road if you double check now.
  • Filtration System: Can your filtration system handle the addition of a salt cell and everything it produces? Probably, but again, it’s a good idea to check. Generally, these pools require less filtration because of the soft nature of its water.
  • Pool Condition: If there’s any damage like leaks, cracks, or bigger wounds to your pool’s structure, get them taken care of before making the conversion to saltwater!

Necessary Equipment and Materials

We’re slowly wading into the process of saltwater conversion, but it would be irresponsible of us to skip the necessary equipment and materials you should have.

  • Stillwater Chlorinator: This is the star of the show! It’s what converts salt to chlorine and disperses it into your water. Don’t skimp on this one. Find a good model from a reputable brand. The higher price tag today will save you grief tomorrow!
  • Pool-Grade Salt: High-purity salt is the way to go! Because every pool is different, you’ll need to consult with the installers (we know someone) to make sure you’re using the right amount.
  • Test Kits: Though they require less maintenance, saltwater pools still require upkeep. It’s important to perform regular testing to keep the salt and chlorine levels in check. So make sure you always have a test kit ready!

The Conversion Process

Okay, it’s finally time to dive into the conversion! If you’ve taken the necessary steps, this should be a pretty smooth process. We’ll break it down into four straightforward steps for you.

  • Prepare the Pool: Start the process by balancing the pH and alkaline levels in your pool.
  • Install the Saltwater Chlorinator/Salt Cell: Depending on the manufacturer, each chlorinator could have different installation steps. Be sure to follow them closely.
  • Add the Salt: Double check the amount of salt you need and distribute it into the water around the pool’s perimeter. Allow it to circulate for 24 hours.
  • Make the Initial Settings and Adjustments: Once the salt has been circulating for a day, start up the chlorinator and set the production levels according to the instructions.

It’s important to follow all safety protocols outlined by the manufacturer. For a seamless conversion, we’ll be happy to help you from start to finish!

Maintenance of a Saltwater Pool

Light maintenance is a huge draw, as well. Let’s go over the main requirements.

  • Routine Testing: Use a testing kit at regular intervals to make sure your salt and chlorine levels stay at ideal levels.
  • Cleaning the Salt Cell: Whenever you test the water, give the salt cell an inspection to make sure there’s no buildup or other budding issues.
  • Seasonal Checks: As the seasons change, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the health of your pool. If you notice anything is amiss, make the necessary changes to adjust. If you need help with that, we’re happy to step in!


When you Google “how to convert pool to saltwater,” short, vague answers are a dime a dozen. We hope this more detailed look hit the spot! These popular pools are easier on the skin and eyes, they’re relaxing, and they require less maintenance than your standard pool. Moreover, the conversion process is simple! If you’re ready to get a little salty, we’ll help with your conversion!